If you are searching for further tips on avoiding wedding planning woes; take a look at the following steps to stress relief!
1. Wedding Free Zone- This step is vital to maintaining your sanity! Have a time set aside each week, or each day if needed, where you can get your mind off of the wedding. Do something fun with your girlfriends, fiancé or family that is not wedding related, or just have a day set aside that you don’t do anything wedding related. You’ll need this healthy distraction to relieve stress.
2. One at a Time- While everything seems to be urgent during the wedding planning process; you can’t possibly do everything at once. Take some time to sit down and make a list of all that needs to get done; then prioritize. Do each task one at a time and cross it off the list once done. You’ll be able to easily see all that you’ve accomplished and remain cool, calm and collected.
3. Enlist Help- This can sometimes be a difficult step if you are one who knows exactly how you want things to be done. Chances are though, family and friends have offered to help; so let them! Allowing others to take on projects, no matter how small, will help lift your burden and your spirits. It can also be a great time for bonding with your bridesmaid, sister or mom if you tackle the “to do” list together!
These steps should have you on your way to stress free wedding planning in no time! If you’re looking for activities that will help you distress and take your mind off of the wedding planning; here are a few ideas.
- Go for a run or hike. The physical activity is great for clearing your mind and allowing your body to release tension!
- Get a massage. This is one of the best ways to relax! You’ll quickly feel the tension leave your body and you’ll soon feel refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to continue to the planning process. Below are a few great places to get a massage around Midvale.
Massage Envy Union Heights
7682 South Union Park Avenue, Midvale
Sego Lily Day Spa
7475 Union Park Avenue, Midvale
Matrix Spa & Massage
533 South 700 East, Salt Lake City
Learning to handle the stress that comes along with planning a wedding is something every bride confronts. Of course the very best way to handle the sometimes overwhelming feeling of planning a wedding is to remember what the ultimate goal is and the reasons you love the person you’re marrying!
At The Woods on Ninth; we’re here to help in any way possible! Please feel free to contact us anytime. We’d love to show you around The Woods on Ninth and help you plan a stunning wedding reception that will enhance your special day!
The Woods on Ninth
Premier Wedding Reception Venue in Salt Lake City
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